9 Ways to Make Your Youtube Video like a Superstar
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The History of YoutubeYoutube was created in February 2005 by the three former PayPal employees, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. A year later, Google bought Youtube for US$1.65 billion and is now operated as a subsidiary of Google. Most of the content on YouTube has been uploaded by individuals that each of them have their own purposes. It could be video clips, movie clips, tutorial clips, trailer clips, porn clips, daily life clips, video blogging, and other short original videos
Youtube, by far has become the world’s largest video on demand platform and its one of the most popular streaming video and audio sites where many people are searching for stuff they're interested in.
Google to Monetize Youtube
Google admits that they wants to monetize this site but they also admits that they still having a problem in monetizing YouTube. The problem is that advertisers are having trouble finding content they want to put ads with. Another problem is copyright. If you are the creator of that content, you own the copyright. That would have mean that you should have the rights to decide whether you want to advertising on your videos.
Now, Google is trying to push post-roll and pre-roll ads in all the video content. As NewTeeVee has point it out, these post-roll ads only appear if you do not click on the overlay ads while a video is playing. While in pre-rolls ads, a user has to finish watching such an ads before they can proceed to the video that they have already chosen to watch.
How To Make Your Video Like a Superstar
There are many thing you could make your youtube video like a superstar, here's how
1. Be Creative
You don have to be an expert in understanding the video editing software, you can create your own by using your webcam or use your digital ipod/cellphone to record the things you found on your daily life.
2. Make a Short Video
Smaller is better, people are often tend to watch a video which is less than 5 minutes, because if you create video that takes them too long to get to the point and it is much longer and takes too long to load, your viewers may lose interest on it, plus not all people have better connection speed. If your video has larger size, try to reduce it by using Advanced X Video Converter, AutoGK, Kino, ffmpeg, Kdenlive, Avidemux, or search around the Google. If you need more guide to convert your video to Youtube then check out this site
3. Commenting on Other People Blog
If there's a lot of people who asking how to sort out the problem, you can put your youtube video by commenting but ensure your video relates to the question being asked.
4. Increase The Traffic
You should let everyone know about your video by increasing the traffic, use Traffic exchange, post in forums, submitting to social media (Digg, stumbleupon, Delicious, Mixx, etc), social network (Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, etc) put in your profile or send them message/testimonial. You can also send emails to the people whom you know about the interesting stuff you just uploaded.
5. Add a Whole Bunch of People
It is not essential to perform this but there's a useful thing about adding a whole bunch of people as they can view your latest uploaded video and your favorite one. You can also attract their interest by commenting on other uploaded video, try to make some debates or contribute by helping them if they need something.
6. Upload Popular Video
There's many kind of popular video in Youtube but the most popular was usually coming from the latest news from Google Video, Yahoo Video, or MSN Video, usually it has something to do with political situations like President elections, the crisis in war, etc.
7. Create Useful Content
Creating useful content is also one of the most effective ways to build a linking campaign. In this part, you can create tutorial clips, trailer clips, and more. You can also creates music video if you have intention to make your fantasy comes true. In case you need an application to editing/screen recording, Camtasia Studio and Debut Video Capture might be the best answer. If you aren't satisfied with these application then you could search them up on Google.
8. Make Specific Description.
Description is the vital part in your youtube video, because without proper description text, your video won't listed in the search engine index. Ensure you have the best accurate and interesting description. Use the correct categorizations on YouTube is a plus if you want to make people to find your video.
9. Post In your Blog/Site
There's nothing much better ways to promote your video but to post it. You can post your youtube video in your sidebar or in your article post. If you want, you can also tells people about the URL to that video.
Well, i hope you found something useful on this article, and if you do pleased with the help i have provided you, be sure to leave feedback or subscribe to my feed, Thank you
Furl.net has been Owned by Diigo
It has been official announced today (March 18th, 2009) that Furl.net which is one of bookmarking site, has been owned by Diigo.com.
So starting from March 18th, 2009, you are no longer be able to submit your article to Furl.net because diigo will takes what Furl has already did to the next level. With Diigo, users can not only to save bookmarks, but also to add sticky notes, add friends, leave personal message, and it was some sort of Blogcatalog and MyBlogLog. Here is a quote from the official announcement:The Furl team is very pleased to announce that Furl has become part of Diigo.com. We worked hard to find Furl a home where loyal users like you could continue to benefit from best-of-breed social bookmarking and annotation tools. Hands down, Diigo.com was the winner due to its innovative approach to online research tools and knowledge sharing.
The Diigo team is dedicated to making sure you continue to get top notch features and service. They’ve got a crack team of technologists who love making research and knowledge sharing as easy and efficient as possible.
Exporting your data from Furl to Diigo is super easy. Click here to begin the export process.
We feel fortunate to have been able to serve as your social bookmarking site provider and can’t thank you enough for your loyal support over the past four years. We’ll miss you and we wish you the best as part of the Diigo community.
The Furl Team
If you are a fans of Furl, make sure you have visit this page and begin the process of exporting your data to Diigo.
Actually, this is not the first time i have ever heard about this news, there's a social media site that has already closed such as Magnoglia and another Micro Blogging tools such as Pownce. And maybe more to come after this
How To Redirect Blogger Blogspot into .com Domain
Blogger by default are leaving the URL domain into .blogspot.com, for user who wants to have a customized .com domain, they will most likely purchase it and redirect it into their blogspot domain, So that they will brand themselves with the .com domain
In this post, i'm going to cover the steps by steps to redirect from Blogger blogspot into .com domain. The purposes of this post was to give a blogger user a new customized .com domain
1. Go to Your Blogger Dashboard Layout, click on Edit HTML and check "Expand Widget Templates" box
2. Search for these lines[b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
3. Add this code below it[meta content='0;url=http://enter your new URL here' http-equiv='refresh'/>
4. Save it and you're done, try to test it with your blogspot domain and see if its redirect properly to your .com domain.
Another ways is to redirect your GoDaddy url to Blogger
1. Go to Your Blogger Dashboard, click on Publishing tab and click again on Custom Domain
2. Type in the URL of your new website in the Domain text box, don forget to change the domain into different extension, in case you are using other domain than .com
3. Login to your Godaddy Hosting account and click on Domain, click one of the domain that you would like to manage
4. On the next screen, check the domain box and you should see a new option on the right top side under the box tab that says "Total Control and MX Records link"
5. Once you see it, click on that. On the next screen, you can either add a new CName if only your host does not have WWW. Otherwise, click the existing www cname and make it point to the ghs.google.com link.
6. Go to your Command prompt (Start > Run, type cmd for WinXP and command for Win2000). Ping your blogger account by type in ping yourblog.blogspot.com. Note down the IP address that shows up
7. Next, you need to ping your .com domain. Afterward, note down the IP address that shows up.
8. Now you have to associate this IP Address with your A Host in your godaddy account. Go to the same manage domains page and your total dns control panel and edit your A Host or @ and make it point to the IP address that you noted down on step #6. If you decide to use .com domain for hosting your own blog such as Wordpress then switch back the IP Address to your .com IP address at step #7
How to Redirect a Blogger Blog to another Blog or Website
Redirect your GoDaddy url to Blogger
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