United Group Program in Taskbar accordance with your wish
Thursday, October 26, 2006Start | Run, type : regedit
HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Explorer | Advanced
double click at "TaskbarGlomming" and gives the value 1.
After that, make a new DWORD value "Edit | New | DWORD Value" and name it as "TaskbarGroupSize".
Double click at this new value and in column "value" gives the maximum value as you want. For example if you type in 4, then after 4 same windows opened, your OS will combined them all into one taskbar.
This is how it should looks like after you open 5 same windows
The last thing you must do is to Restart your PC so the new change will takes effect
How to speed up Windows XP
This is a simple trick to speed up your windows. The effectiveness of these tricks will possibly vary. These trick could make your PC unstable so PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Don forget to backup your registry before you tweaking it
How to backup registry
put ".reg" extension on your backup file
1. Disable unnecessary Service Windows
Because Windows is aimed to many user & task, windows made a service which is actually unnecessary. The service along with these often takes a bit resources of your PC. By disable it, your PC will have a little boost
* Alerter
* Clipbook
* Computer Browser
* Distributed Link Tracking Client
* Fast User Switching
* Help and Support
* Human Interface Access Devices
* Indexing Service
* IPSEC Services
* Messenger
* Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
* Portable Media Serial Number
* Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
* Remote Procedure Call Locator
* Remote Registry
* Remote Registry Service
* Secondary Logon
* Routing & Remote Access
* Server
* Telnet
* TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
* Upload Manager
* Universal Plug and Play Device Host
* Wireless Zero Configuration - (Do not disable if you are using Wireless)
* Workstation
How to disable this service :
1. Start>Run>type "services.msc"
2. Double click on the service that you want to edit
3. Change startup type into 'Disable"
2. Turn off System restore
System restore can be useful if your PC encountered with problem, but all the restore point can takes a lot of resource in your Hard Drive. The reason why System restore is loaded because it's always monitoring system, by disable the system restore then half of your resource can be allocated to other things.
1. Open Control Panel
2. Click Performance and Maintenance
3. Click System
4. Click System Restore tab
5. Click 'Turn off System Restore on All Drives'
6. Click 'Ok'
3. Defrag Pagefile
Keeping your pagefile defragmented can provides a major performance boost. One of the best ways of doing this is to create a separate partition on your hard drive, so that it wont impacted the usage of normal disk. Another way of keeping your pagefile defragmented is to run PageDefrag. This cool little app can be used to defrag your pagefile, and could also be set to defrag the pagefile everytime your PC is booted. To install it:
1. Download and Run PageDefrag,
2. Choose "Defrag at next Reboot",
3. Click OK
4. Reboot
4. Speed up Folder access - by disable Last Access Update.
If you have had a lot of folder and subdirectories in your windows, then you will notice that when you are accessing to Windows XP Directory, it will load too slow. By updating time stamp in registry, which is last access update to all sub directories then you can have a little boost:
1. Start>Run>regedit
2. "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem"
3. Right click at right side panel (find empty area), then choose 'DWORD Value'
4. Make new DWORD Value with the name 'NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate'
5. Right click at new value then choose 'Modify'
6. Change data into '1'
7. Click 'OK'
5. Deactivated Microsoft System Sounds
As default MS sound systems will forcing your PC to load a sound during the booting time, shutdown, error, etc. But frankly the sound will makes your PC to run slowly, to deactivate it follow these steps :
1. Open Control Panel
2. Click Sounds and Audio Devices
3. Click Sounds tab
4. Choose "No Sounds" from Sound Scheme
5. Click "No"
7. Click "Apply"
8. Click "OK"
6. Speed up Boot Time
The ability to defrag while in booting progress is a nice feature from Windows XP. At default these feature has been activated in several Build Windows, but in other case they aren't, It would be better if we can enable this feature
1. Start Menu>Run
2. Regedit
3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DfrgBoot\OptimizeFunction
4. Find "Enable" in the right side panel
5. Click "Modify"
6. Choose "Y to enable"
7. Reboot
You can tried Bootvis to cut boot time
7. Speed up Swapfile Performance
If you own bigger ram than 256MB i can really tell that these tweaking will makes your system to run more faster.
1. Start>Run>msconfig.exe
2. Click System.ini tab
3. Expand 386enh
4. Click new & then type "ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1"
5. Click OK
6. Restart
8. Speed up Windows Menu Loading Time
These Tweaking is my fav one, because your computer will run fast. These Tweaking save the delay time when you clicking on the windows menu
1. Start>Run
2. Regedit>Ok
3. "HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop"
4. Click "MenuShowDelay"
5. Right click and choose "Modify'
6. Type digit "100"
The number 50-150 is a good range, but you could choose different number if you want
9. Speed up Application Loading Time.
These Tweaking can be applies to most of the application. If the application doesn't want to load as expected, then turn it back to default setting.
1. Right click at icon/shortcut
2. choose properties
3. At 'target' box, add ' /prefetch:1' right after the application directories.
4. Click "Ok"
Program will load more fast than ever before.
10. Speed up Shutdown Windows XP.
These tweaking will reduces the waiting period time when windows is shutdown.
1. Start>Run
2. 'Regedit'>OK
3. 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop'
4. Find 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
5. Right click and choose modify
6. Change the value into '1000'
7. Click 'OK'
8. Find 'HungAppTimeout'
9. Right click and choose modify
10. Change the value into '1000'
11. Click 'OK'
12. 'HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT/Control Panel/Desktop' and find WaitToKillAppTimeout'
13. Right click and choose modify
15. Change the value into '1000'
16. Click 'OK'
17. 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control' and find 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'
19. Right click and choose modify
20. Change the value into '1000'
21. Click 'OK'
How to rename Start Menu
Have you ever wonder how you can change word in "Start" menu into something else you want? This tweak will not demolishing or ruining your PC, don worry i have tested this on my PC and have no problem at all. So here's the step
1. Backup file from c:\windows\explorer.exe to elsewhere
2. Copy c:\windows\explorer.exe to c:\
3. Open CMD (command prompt), type edit /70 c:explorer.exe
4. Find 'start' in line 3864-3865, find the word "Start" which located before There was an internal error........... sentence
5. Change the word Start, for example if you want to change to 'Begin',
click S, press delete, then press B.
click t, press delete, press e
click a, press delete, press g
click r, press delete, press i .. and so on
Remember, only 5 word max at a time
If the word desired is less than 5 word, example 'OOT' :
-click S, press delete, press O
click t, press delete,press O
click a, press delete, press T
click r, press delete, press space
click t, press delete press space
When you done, save the explore file into c:
6. Restart PC, before windows completely booting, press F8, choose 'Safe Mode With Command Prompt'. logon as Administrator. At command prompt type 'copy c:explorer.exe c:windows. choose y(yes). then restart PC (Ctrl+Alt+Del, at Shutdown tab choose restart).. see the result
The most hard part for this is to finding Start word at cmd mode, so you gonna have to be patient
Or you can simply use Resource Hacker program :
1. Run ResHacker.exe
2. Click file menu ---> open
3. Choose Explorer.exe in C:
4. Click String Table ---> 37 ---> 1033
5. Change the word "start" in line 578 into your desired word
6. Click "Compile Script"
7. Save
(Note: This program automatically create backup file called "explorer_original.exe")
8. Move explorer_original.exe file to anywhere and you are done!
Change icon in Drive
Change icon in folder is easy, but how if we can change icon in a drive letter?! (C:/, D:/) There's a way.
First choose the icon you want to display it into drive, then save it in drive. Example in C: or in D: partition
Then open notepad and wrote down :
After that, save it as Autorun.inf, Restart your PC...
Hint: to be more secure, Hide the file & set "Read Only"
How to change background in WinXP Drive
See the screenshot above?! Now thats what i'm going to teach you.
First of all, type this in notepad:
then save it as desktop.ini, don forget to make it hidden and read only so that it wont be able to re-setting by someone else.
Next thing is what pictures we are going to use, In this case i'll give the name background.jpg. You are free to choose which image you want to use but make sure they are match. You can use GIF, BMP and PNG extension for your image.
Next we need to set the color. The available color we can use is red, green, blue. but you can make different color if you want, Just play with the number
IconArea_Text=0x000000ff (Red)
IconArea_Text=0x0000ff00 (Green)
IconArea_Text=0x00ff0000 (Blue)
Don forget to balancing the color text with the background
NOTE !! Always take your pic that you want to set it as background to the related Drive and Hides the file and make it "Read Only"
How to removing "Show hidden files & Folder " option in Folder Option
Did you notice the Show hidden files and folder option in Folder option? you can make it unseen by following these steps
Go to Run : Regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Explorer | Advanced | Folder | Hidden
In "Type" delete word "group"
Blockade your PC while you are not in the front of your PC
There's a time when people have to leave their computer On,
Several common reasons for that condition is to going to school, hanging out with your friend, and many other reasons. So how to make it safe for your computer while we are in away?!
There are 3 method to blockade your PC:
method 1 :
CTRL + ALT + ESC to go to Logon screen (in condition if "User Welcome Page" option is deactivated) Next choose "Block Computer"
method 2 :
Make shortcut in desktop (New | Shortcut) with these command :
rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation
in the next screen, decide what file name that doesn't look suspicious, ex : 'Icon' or whatsoever as long as that wont invite people to clicking
method 3 :
Using Screen Saver with password, Simply by checking 'Password Protected' in screen saver setting
The Weakness of this method is that the new Protection will take in effect after the screen Saver is running
OS : WIN XP, 2000, ME
Blocking My Recent Document folder
Normally if we want to open file such as picture, video, music, etc it will make a new entry to My Recent Docs. How to deleting them automatically when your PC restarted?!
Go to run : Regedit
HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Explorer
on the right side panel, make a new binary value, and type in : ClearRecentDocsOnExit, edit the number : 00 00 00 01
You can actually deleting them manually from "List most recent Document" in Properties (Start Menu | Customize | Advanced) But that is so unefficient and impractical and which is why i made this tips
OS : WIN 2000, XP
Deactivated annoying dialogue window
If some of your file hasn't being associated with any program, there would be a dialogue windows that will asking you to choose from 2 option: Open With and Search these Files
For more efficiently, you can just activate the "Open With" option with this way :
Open registry Editor, type in run : Regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Explorer
makes a new Dword : InternetOpenWith, give value 0
How to adding information & picture at System Properties
Make a new notepad file and name it oeminfo.ini to C:WindowsSystem for Win 95/98 or to C:WinntSystem32 for Windows NT. The content from the file oeminfo.ini should contain as the following
Manufacturer=Tweaking PC
Model=New Model[Support Information]
Line1=First line
Line2=Second line
Line3=Please wrote with
Line4=any text
You can change the word right after the = sign with your own text. You can also make as many line as you want but don create too many lines as it will flooded your system properties box.
The allowed dimension size for the image is 180 X 114 if its more than that, then the image will cut off. When you're done, save it as oemlogo.bmp in C:WindowsSystem for Win 95/98 or C:WinntSystem32 for Windows NT
Deactivated & Activated Firewall from Desktop
Firewall is a powerful security tools that ensure you'll have no intruder or other unwanted condition like being hacked or hijacked. But sometimes they can annoys you everytime they shows pop up warning due to the incoming and outgoing traffic. How to disable it?
Make a new notepad file in desktop & wrote down :
reg add ,,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Services | SharedAccess | Parameters | FirewallPolicy | StandardProfile" /v "EnableFirewall" /t REG_DWORD /d 0000000 /f
save & close as : Off.bat
To activated, simply switch letter 0000000 into 0000001
To run all blocking application :
Make a text file :
reg add ,,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Services | SharedAccess | Parameters | FirewallPolicy | StandardProfile" /v "DoNotAllowExceptions" /t REG_DWORD /d 0000001 /f
with this trick, you can deactivated all exception meaning all the program on the list will be allowed to run
Make a Shutdown & Restart Shortcut in desktop
Got pissed when you have to wait for a long time during shutdown time? You can make it fast by setting and creating shortcut icon in your desktop
So, right click on your desktop and choose New | Shortcut :
%windir%System32shutdown.exe -s -t 00 --> to shutdown
%windir%system32shutdown.exe -r -t 00 --> to restart
other code for shortcut :
l : logout
s : shutdown
r : restart
a : cancel shutdown
m\Computername : running shutdown.exe for other PC if in network
f : persistent to shutdown even there's any open aplication
OS : WIN XP, 2000
Ended services & program more faster
When you happen to have a services that cannot be ended during shutdown, usually you will have to wait for 20 second, so why not make it short by following these steps
Open Registry Editor
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | System | ControlSet001 | Control, findentry : WaitToKillServiceTimeout,
decrease it : 5000
And for the program :
HKEY_CURRENT_USER | ControlPanel | Desktop, find entry : WaitToKillAppTimeout, decrease it : 5000
At the same window, double click : AutoEndTask & change it into : 1
Doing this will causing your Windows to close the application with no asking
OS : WIN XP, 2000
How to lock Folder in Explorer
add this code in your folder name by right clicking on it, rename then press arrow spot (->) in your keyboard once, then add the following code :
If it works, your folder should turn into lock icon & it cannot be opened,
To open the folder, you need a program like WinRar or Winzip then allocated the lock folder & delete this part : .{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}
How to activate 100% bandwith
Wednesday, October 25, 2006This tweaking will not 100% affecting your ISP connection speed since it will only increase the speed from your normal ISP by 20%. And its all depend on your ISP connection speed
*Start | run, type "gpedit.msc"
*find computer configuration -> Administrative templates -> Network -> Qos Pket Scheduler -> Limit Reservable Bandwith
*default = disable (still 20% bandwith used for backup )
----> change into enable 0% so that backup window only use 0%