10 Ways to Increase Your Alexa Rank
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Explanation and The History of Alexa
Alexa is a website that provides information about website traffic and daily visitor statistics. Alexa was founded in 1996 in an effort to solve the internet search problem by tracking user decisions and gathering the data to use it to aid future searches. This Alexa is created in California-based subsidiary of Amazon.com.
What is Alexa Rank?Alexa Rank is a ranking system which bases on the level of traffic that each site receives from the number of people who visit it. So the more the number of traffic you get from your visitor, the more you'll rank well in Alexa. How you can check your site rank in alexa is simply go to Alexa home page site and search for your own site.
What's The Use of Alexa Rank in Monetization?
Alexa Rank is same important as PageRank because there is some ads that website will pay you depend on how many alexa rank you have. Services like Text Link Ads, for example, can price your ads based on your Alexa rank. So the higher you rank in Alexa, the more money you make from the ads. Additionally, there are some ad placement, pay per post and affiliate programs that won't accept your website until it's getting some minimum Alexa ranking. For example, PepperjamNetwork, Smorty, Pay Per Post that use Alexa rankings to make decisions whether to accept or deny your site. It's also a factor if you are trying to sell your website or domain, as most buyers will use these criteria (e.g Alexa rank, Google Page Rank, etc) to decide how much is your website worth.
How To Increase Your Alexa Rank?
People often says that increasing rank in alexa is much easier than Pagerank (PR). I will summarize a bit more on how to increase your alexa rank with 10 ways
1. Set Your Site as HomePage
You can set your site as your homepage and set it to load when the browser is fire up. You can also ask your visitor to set your site as their homepage by using this script[a class="chlnk" style="cursor:hand" HREF onClick="this.style.behavior='url(#default#homepage)';this.setHomePage('http://tendou86.blogspot.com/');">Click here to set this site as your homepage[/a>
2. Increase Your Traffic
Increasing the traffic is the best way to boost up your alexa rank within just a couple weeks. However it takes an effort and kills your time a lot. You can choose between using PPC Campaign or Free ways to drive traffic.
3. Share Your Stuff
This is another attempt which i call this as another free ways. Sometimes when you are uploading your stuff through file hosting site, you can take advantage from it by inserting a small text document file that telling people to go to your site, compress the file into archive file, and then share it into the forum.
4. Use Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Technorati
Submitting your article into social bookmarking site such as Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious, and Technorati will help you to rank well in Alexa. You can invite your reader to submit it too, the more your article is submitted, the more your site will get well ranked in alexa. However i have heard that alexa wont including traffic from these site in their ranking factor but at least you should give them a try out.
5. Put up Alexa Rank Widget on Your Blog
If your rank is above 100.000+ then you should try this widget. If under 100.000 then it wont change anything. There's also a statement that Alexa Widget has no effect to your rank
6. Make Your Popular Post
An easy task but brainstorming the headlines is the hard part. Popular post can bring you huge amount of traffic but you have to guess what the searcher are looking for. In order to create this post, you have to do more research on the net and finding the best subject for popular post that suit to your blog. You can also hire someone to make it for you.
7. Using Alexa Auto Surf
Site like Surf Sieve, UpMyRank and About Us.org can increase your rank. Please note that there would be a problems when you try to use auto surfs alongside contextual ads like Adsense as they aren’t legal for Adsense publishers. So i suggest using it with caution.
8. Keep Updating Your Blog
Keeping your blog to up-to-date is really important as they can improve the amount of pageviews and time that your visitor will stay longer on your blog
9. Submit Your Site Link in Asian forums, Social Networking, and Website
Some webmaster will suggest to submit on east asian region as most asians are using Alexa toolbar. This is proven by the presence of several Asia-based websites in the Alexa Top 500 list
10. Installing Alexa Redirect Plugin
This is the most effective ways to increase your rank. Basically what this plugin will do is to add http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect? in every of your internal link
Here's a quick explanation on the pluginsThe particular plug-in scans the entire set of links on any page of your blog while someone is watching it and it adds a JavaScript event to each of them, which upon clicking on the link (no matter is it a Left Click or a Right Click) will prefix it with the Alexa Redirect URL: in this way the person visiting your blog will visit the desired URL by forwarding the URL to Alexa. Here is an example - you have a link on your blog like http://www.yourblog.com/page/2, but when the user clicks on it, it will transform into http://redirect.alexa.com/redirect?http://www.yourblog.com/page/2
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You would have to promote Alexa.com along with your site. Alexa ranking is based on those who have downloaded the Alexa tool bar. So in short terms. If you are getting visitors to your site that do not have the Alexa toolbar download then they are not helping to raise the rank of your site.
- 9:27 PM
Your Alexa rank has nothing to do with getting site links. You get site links when you've built trust and authority in your industry, and when Google believes that showing site links will add value to searchers.
- 9:28 PM
It is a good blog, at least it gives information and warning. Very informative post, keep on sharing more informative posts like this. Keep up your good work, eagerly waiting for your next post.
- 4:29 PM
Alexa Rank is a ranking system which bases its ranking scheme on the level of traffic each website receives from the number of people who visit a website with the Alexa toolbar installed.
search engine optimization - 1:33 PM
This is good info about improving your Alexa rank, but as you know added traffic is the real key to improving your Alexa rank. Many people overlook the importance of credibility in added traffic. It's a shame credibility isn't at the forefront of more internet users' minds. There's a lot of info on the credibility subject at http://www.internetcredibility.org
- 12:04 AM
It is a good blog, at least it gives information
- 5:50 PM
Amazing post with all sorts of great Alexa information. I have never really concerned myself with Alexa but maybe I should. Thanks again!
- 10:03 PM
Alexa became very important in internet world if you want to use some advertiser programs and other ways to make money with your blog it is very important to have a high rank. And in this article are described the best way to do this.
- 5:06 PM
Nice article.Alexa ranking which is more valuable for a website.
- 7:17 PM
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