Top 11 SEO Plugin for Wordpress
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Lots of SEO technique are nowadays available for all blogger user to help them improves their site traffic and get rank better. Being as a wordpress user can get so many advantage not only from the technique itself but also from the widget which we known as plugin. Wordpress has so many plugin including SEO plugin to help you in getting your site noticed by the search engine user and increase your site rank as well.
1. All in One SEO Pack - This plugin allows you to set the basic SEO stuff for your blog. You can set the Home Title, Description, keyword, setting the format for post title, page title, tag title and many more
2. Optimal Title - Its a plugin that mirrors the function of wp_title() exactly, but moves its position to higher than before. This allows you to have your blog name tacked on to the end of the page title instead of having it appear first.
3. Redirection - This plugin helps you when you make a changes/upgrade to your blog but the changes itself has turn the permalink structure into something else. You don have to worry because this plugin will automatically redirect all the old link into the new one
4. SEO Smart Links - This plugin can automatically link keywords and phrases in your blog posts and comments with the corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog. Additionally SEO Smart Link can open external link in new windows and add the "nofollow" attributes which is helpful if you don wanna get banned from Google for advertising other people site in your blog
5. Robots Meta - This plugin will tell the search engine 'spidey' to crawl on certain pages/post. If you did happen to have duplicate content from other people site (which i highly don suggest you) or from your previous site then this plugin is a must-to-have. It has the option to put nofollow link such as comment IF someone put their site link with a href tags, also prevent the search engine from crawling your admin pages (including wp-admin, wp-login, etc)
6. SEO Friendly Images - Images also play an important role in your SEO world. So it’s very important if you tag them correctly to give a chance for search engine to crawl them. This plugin automatically adds alt and title attributes to all your images in all your posts.
7. SEO Slugs - When you have post title like “How To Rank Higher In Google” you'll have this permalink: ‘/how-to-rank-higher-in-google’ but what you really want for your permalink is to look like this: '/rank-higher-in-google' This plugin will help you to realize that by automatically removes stop words from the permalink, and helping you to rank better.
8. Google Positioner - This plugin allows you to set as many keyword for your site and once you set it, you can get the position of your website from your keywords. This handy plugin allows you to track the keywords you’re getting search for and it’s pointless if you only selecting a few keywords for your post and hoping that the rest will goes well.
9. Permalinks Moved Permanently - A common mistake made by bloggers is choosing the wrong permalink structure. When you start your blog you think you know which one of the permalink is the best, but as the time goes by, you decide to change it. The problem is that your traffic will come to a standstill until your site is fully reindexed by the search engine, and that could takes a month or even more. This plugin is similar to redirection but it much easier and better to permanently manage changes for permalink structure.
10. Nofollow Case by Case - By default, wordpress are setting the comment form into nofollow. This means that no PageRank (PR) is given by the link. This plugin simply removes the nofollow attribute as there are number of reasons you would want to give away the link juice. Many new blog use this method to get more exposure from search engine traffic
11. Google XML Sitemaps - XML Sitemaps is a feature to get indexed from search engine. It has an additional option to notify the Google, MSN, Yahoo, about new updates in your blog. It has also an advanced option to limit the number of post to appear in the sitemap.