Top 12 Twitter Users That Everyone Should Follow
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Have you ever been using Twitter to tweets your follower? Many people are using it to market their business, promotion, and even chatting. As twitter gets more and more recognition in the mass media and many people have joined and following certain people to receive an notifications about upcoming news. These services are slowly but sure has been continues to increase as many people get so many useful information that they can do with Twitter.
These are the top 12 people which i consider worth to be followed
1. Darren RowseThis is the guy who own Problogger, the successful blogger who dedicating himself to blogging and monetizing blogs. According to his profile, he started blogging in 2002, and went full time blogging in 2004. More over, Darren started Twitip - a blogs that provides its subscribers with useful twitter tips. He's also the man behind B5Media forums.
2. Aaron WallThere are many SEO experts out there who provides SEO articles but less of them who continuously updating SEO articles. Aaron was the one who kept his blog up-to-date by continuously posting his SEO articles and answering various SEO related questions. You can also try a variety of powerful SEO tools that he makes it available for free
3. Rand FishkinAnother person who dedicating himself to SEO related articles was Rand Fishkin. He's the man behind SEOMoz. At first time, his blog wasn't that popular among the others. But for over four years, he has been able to grow his blog into one of the must-read blog. He and his team at SEOMoz are always thinking on how to bring innovative and attractive content, services, and ideas to their readers.
4. Michael ArringtonIf you ever went to TechCrunch blog, you'll notice that this is the place to get a lot of reviews of new internet products and companies. TechCrunch has the best author to provides an accurate information about whats the upcoming news and sharing the best tips too.
5. Brian ClarkThis is the guy who owns big blog for all blogger, Brian Clark started CopyBlogger in 2006 and he manage to massively grew the blog readership to 45,000+ readers for over 2 years by providing copywriting techniques to blogging.
6. Guy KawasakiMany of you may not even heard of this guy yet but this guy is a professional entrepreneur, marketer and has successfully authoring several top selling books. You can see from his blog as he capturing information about the job, marketing and other valuable information
7. Yaro StarakYaro Starak was one of the successful entrepreneur blogger who manage to earn $5000+/month from his blog. All of his writing are more accurate as he often provides podcast interview with a lot of successful internet marketer.
8. Jeremy SchoemakerJeremy Schoemaker has been blogging for over 3.5 years and he can do well earn money from his best affiliate marketing blog - Shoemoney. In Sept 2005, Jeremy was able to earn $132,994.97 from his adsense and continuously earned $10.000/month from his blog.
9. JohnChowThe arch rival of Jeremy Schoemaker. Many people have been comparing JohnChow to Shoemoney as they both can do well earn from their blogs. They both also have constantly providing useful information about numerous thing e.g the latest news from TechCrunch and other related Internet products.
10. Matt CuttsHe is the man who specializing in SEO and has been working in Google company for many years as an engineers. Now he and his blog are ready to give people a valuable information about the latest news from Google and giving the solution for the common issues.
11. Leo BabautaOne of the popular blog that write about daily life tips such as personal finance, organization, family, simplicity, happiness, health and fitness was Zen habits. Over the last year, Zen habits manage to reaches the top 100 most popular blogs in Technorati. And till now they have over 90.000+ subscriber and many of their articles has been spreads and shared in many blogs.
12. Pete CashmoreIn 2005, Pete Cashmore creates Mashable blog that were focuses on up-to-date news on social networks, social media, new websites, etc. His blog were rapidly increased to be one of the top 10 blogs in the world according to Technorati. Many people comparing Mashable to TechCrunch but the big differences is that Mashable provides how news and technology blogs play a critical role in helping web companies push their messages online. Mashable has been chosen as a must-read site by Fast Company and PC Magazine and it has also been featured as one of the world most profitable blogs.